What do you see? I think of pictures of KISS or The Bat Man's Cave or some other dark and scary thing -- Yet in the late 1100's and early 1200's it meant enlightenment. It meant the opening up to the sunlight and color,of churches and those structures meant to honor the rulers it meant letting in the light. They would build outer walls on huge pillars and enclose them but the windows were huge stain glass features to let in color and light.
It wasn't until the 18th century when in fiction Gothic became associated with grotesque and mysterious in literature.
It wasn't until the 1980's when music and dress were the dark Gothic - music such as Siouxie and the Banshees created an almost evil darkness that became associated with looking Goth in vogue with some.
What do you think when you think Gothic?
The book I'm reading The Intellectual Devotional by David S. Kidder & Noah D. Oppenheim and it certainly does spark your imagination, your curiosity and your wonder about what you believe and what is truth.
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Yes, I do think of (typically) kids dressed in black, dark make up, sullen expressions. Think the daughter in "Beetlejuice" played by Winona Ryder.
But I also think of Gothic architecture, some of the most incredible structures on earth!
Thanks Anne, I agree with you on the Gothic architecture. It's amazing what was accomplished without the technical advantages we have today.
We should be smarter then we are.
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