Today and for the next four days we will have as our special guest and featured author K. Celeste Bryan. She is a wealth of information and inspiration. So without further adieu lets find out about K. Celeste.
Where do you call home Celeste?
I live on a lake in Minnesota and love the outdoors (excluding winters). I’m an avid reader of historical and fantasy and write full-time. I have a penchant for soy candles, natural soaps and stationary of any color, type and size. My loveable furry companion goes by the name of Emma LaPounce and was rescued last year from the local animal shelter -- hours before they were about to put her down. Yes, my other penchant is for animals, particularly those who have been neglected and abandoned. And, oh yes, I have a super-penchant for my three children.
1. So, now that we know a little about you, what is your typical day like?
Most days, you’ll find me sitting at my computer praying my muse is in a creative mood. There’s a fat kitty on my lap and a big dog curled up at my feet, but I wouldn’t trade one minute of my writer’s life.
2. You have two books out right now. Tell us a little about them.
Thank you for asking.
Where The Rain Is Made is a time-travel, shapeshifter. Ethan Gray is a curator at a museum in his every day life, but in his other life he travels back in time to help his beloved People, the Cheyenne. When he kidnaps Francesca and her brother during a raid, he bites off a little more than he can chew, so to speak.
*Tomorrow we'll tell you about the other one {grin}*
3. When did you start to write and how long did it take you get published?
I have written in one form or another most of my adult life. I started researching histories of pioneers in America and then joined the US Web Historical Sketches site. I was fascinated by the stories about out industrious ancestors and soon, the “what ifs” surfaced and full-length novels took flight. I began writing historical fiction and then branched into romance.
4. How many stories did you finish before you were published?
I was very blessed to be accepted by a medium-sized publisher for my first book. When my contract ran out, I submitted some novels I’d been working on for two years, and they were accepted. I now write for New Concepts Publishing and The Wild Rose Press, wonderful publishers.
5. How did you break into publishing?
Oh, I knew nothing about it, but had written a story and my cousin asked me every day to read the next Chapter. When it was complete, she encouraged me to send it in. I had no idea where to send so I bought a copy of Writer’s Digest and sent it to several publishers. One didn’t take romance and the other bought it.
6. What inspired you to write romance?
When I realized how many women read romance. Romance accounts for a majority of the sales in the book industry. And, of course, I love writing about dashing heroes and sassy heroines.
Happy reading!
K. Celeste Bryan
http://katskwipsandrants.blogspot.com/ (Kat’s Kwips and Rants Blog)
Come back tomorrow to find out more about K. Celeste Bryan – her other publishers – why she writes what she does and so much more….Secrets we’ll uncover for you!
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