I love writing about eras past when men were men and the women who loved them were strong and courageous. In a historical, the author can choose to write about any time and place in history and stretch her/his imagination when it comes to romance and love.
I began writing sensual historicals six years ago and gradually branched out to steamier, sexier novels. I write erotica for several publishers (under a secretive pen name –I have kids, you know) and will soon have my first M/M short story released by Phaze. Oh-oh, fasten your seatbelts!
As promised here is the word on her other recently released book:
Sojourn With A Stranger is a historical/paranormal. Raine Brinsley’s parents drowned at sea on their journey to Norfolk, VA. Destitute, she must seek employment and finds a position as a house servant at Stafford House. She soon discovers there’s a ghost on the loose in the manor, and she’d like to help her find the woman’s killer, but she’s too busy fending off advances from the Lord of the Manor.
Now back to the questions for Celeste…
7. What genre or sub-genre do you write? Why did you choose this genre?
Generally, I write historical romance (spicy or erotic) but somehow an element of paranormal worms its way into all my novels. I like the ingenuity of paranormal, the suspended belief concept. Anything can happen in a paranormal – ghosts, time-travel, shapeshifting, and let’s not forget vampires and werewolves.
8. What difficulty does writing this genre present?
For historical, your research must be very accurate. Readers are very astute and will call you on mistakes. My editor recently caught an oversight in my latest novel. I had referred to a book in the novel only to find out the book hadn’t been published until two years later. OOPS! Thank goodness for editors.
9. How much time do you devote to writing each day?
At least five hours, and then another three answering e-mails, promoting and marketing.
10. Tell us about your other works, books, stories, etc.
Presently, I’m working on a pirate historical and tossing around a Highland warrior novel. And there have been readers asking for a sequel to Where The Rain Is Made, my time-travel, shapeshifter book. Hmm, this is going to take some heavy plotting.
11. What are you working on now?
I also write under a pen name for Siren, Phaze, Ravenous and Noble Romance, so I always have at least three or four stories going at one time. Have to keep my publisher happy, you know.
Happy reading!
K. Celeste Bryan
http://katskwipsandrants.blogspot.com/ (Kat’s Kwips and Rants Blog)
And if that wasn’t enough for you come back tomorrow and get the nitty gritty on what this lady reads in her “spare” (I use that word lightly) time. She may surprise you…
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