On my To-Be-Read list: The Serpent Prince and The Bookseller’s Daughter, then I’ll have to hit the Internet and see what else I can order. I generally read two books alternately and write in between.
(pssst…do you have a title she should read? Why not leave a comment on the blog and tell her what it is?)
Authors I like: Louise Burton, Julia Quinn, Jacquie D’Alessandro.
12. How do you write? Are you a pantser or a plotter? Is it your characters or your plot that influences you the most?
I’m a rather unconventional writer. I plan the story in my head for months, every scene, every conversation between the characters until I know them inside and out. I need to know how they would react to a situation, whether or not they would actually say what I write down. Then I begin a scene, and most often it’s not Chapter One, but ends up somewhere in the middle of the book. From there, I work backward or foreword if called for. I never outline and don’t use note cards. It just doesn’t work for me.
13. How do you choose your characters' names?
Telephone books, baby books, and from the credit roll at the end of movies. If I see a name that grabs me, I write it down in a file. Somehow, one of them will match my character to a tee.
14. Do you write with music playing? If so, is the music likely to be songs with lyrics or only instrumentals?
I like to write when it’s quiet. Music distracts me.
15. What is the coolest thing about being an author?
Working for myself and not having a boss to tell me, “Get back to work.” I love the freedom writing offers. If I want to walk through the flower garden or play with the dog for half an hour, who’s to tell me I can’t?
16. What has surprised you about being a published author?
That people e-mail me and tell me how much they loved one of my books. I still can’t get over this. I love my books, but hey, I’m a little biased, so I don’t expect other people to fall in love with the story or the characters. It’s so nice when they do.
17. What do you like to do when you aren't writing?
Read, sleep and garden. And then sleep some more.
18. What one thing do you like most about writing? Least?
Least: That one must be very disciplined and rigid in order to meet deadlines, keep promises and keep writing to make a living. It’s a never-ending cycle. And promoting is my least favorite. I think about all the hours I could be writing my next book.
I think that means you like the writing the most – and you prove that by how prolific you are. Tomorrow we’ll ask you for some advice we can use if we decide to follow your footsteps.
Happy reading!
K. Celeste Bryan
http://katskwipsandrants.blogspot.com/ (Kat’s Kwips and Rants Blog)
We've only got Celeste here with us for one more day. Please get your questions to her quickly so that she will read them in time to answer them before she leaves. She is a very busy author and we are lucky to have the time to chat with her. So come speak up - Maybe I can convince her to let us read a chapter of one of her current books. Shout out if you like that idea. = )
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