Friday, December 19, 2008

Creativity - Music and Writing

What is Music Anyway? What is Writing Anyway?

In The Intellectual Devotional by David S Kidder & Noah D Oppenheim we are given a lot of food for thought. One thing they say is that Music has a pattern where noise only has sound. I’m afraid that could define Heavy Metal for me. Noise, loud and busy that has no rhyme or reason for being. Sorry Heavy Metal fans, it just doesn’t translate for me.

Kidder and Oppenheim say the basics of music compared to noise have to do with
Pitch —How high or low a sound is to the ear;
Scale—a stepwise arrangement of pitches;
Key—which is an arrangement or system of pitches usually based on one of the major or minor scales.

Simple isn’t it? The Ghost Music of Vaudeville by Billie A Williams, as a mystery has a similar basic set up. Pitch: how intense (high) or relaxed (low) the action
Scale: an arrangement of pitches that take us from each paragraph with a beginning, middle and end, to each chapter with its beginning, middle and end; to the book as a whole with a beginning, middle and end.
Key: That is a little harder, but I think of it as all the system of pitches – the paragraph, page, chapter, and book according to one of the Major (genre) or Minor (sub-genre) scales –genre and subgenres of the mystery from cozy, procedural, true crime, or hard boiled. Check your romance against the styles created with the analogies to music. IT works there too.

Therefore, everything in writing the mystery/suspense/romance can be reduced or elevated to its musical counter part. Our culture influences our pitch, scale, and keys whether that is in writing or in music. Extremes may abound even while the rules are followed. For instance music in India compared to the music here in the west such as opera, R & B, Jazz. Or, compare the Native American Drum, to the drum of modern rock – they are nowhere in the same playing field – the Native American Drum is spiritual, the rock drum is entertainment. Both, however, are entertainment and in some circles could be called spiritual.

Music and writing are both creative processes. Whether we use pitch, scale, and key or whether we use some other method to join the parts into a complete whole – they compliment each other, and I believe they embody each other.

It is said that we each “march to our different drummer,” and I believe that is as true in creating fiction as it is in creating music.

Sing Loudly, Write like the wind and enjoy the rhythm you create!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Appropriate Reasoning when Giving Gifts

You have to admit these are perfect gifts - Books that is - The printed word will never go out of style for any gift giving reason.

Two pertinent lists from Jessica James, author of Shades of Gray, posted on Amazon:

Top Five Reasons Why Guys Should Give Books as Gifts

5: She can't connect with a new sweater like she can with a book.
4: Hey guys, they're easy to wrap!
3: They come in all sizes, shapes and colors--what could be easier?
2: It's cheaper than a romantic getaway but can produce the same result.
1: Books are gifts of love and joy--and can create everlasting memories.

Top Five Reasons Why Girls Should Give Books as Gifts:

5: They're easy to store--on coffeetables, bookshelves, nightstands or countertops.
4: They never go bad no matter how long they're stored--and they can be used quickly or savored over time.
3: Books can teach, educate, entertain--and distract him from football.
2: It's a small investment that can return dividends for life.
1: Books are the perfect gift of enjoyment that don't require him to leave his chair.

[Thanks to Traci A. Lower.]

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Prolific Writers - Are You One?

So you think you write a lot — How many books have you written? As a reader, how many books do you read a month?

Barbara Cartland, who my college Women’s Lit Instructor disliked intensely, wrote a stunning 723 books and made the Guinness Book of World Records for her efforts. She wrote a novel in one or two weeks. The critics say she actually didn’t write them she dictated them to her secretaries and they typed them up. I beg to differ with them. It was her creative genius that dreamt them up in the first place. If she hadn’t dictated them would each of her secretaries have written a best seller and had them published?

I take issue with the big name authors who have an understudy of sorts write from their outline and create a book for the named author. I see James Patterson and a few others are finally listing those as co-authors on the covers of their books. But now does that make them author of those books or the co-author? Who gets to count coup – will Patterson have 300 books because of their efforts or will he let them count those as their own?

Isaac Asimov wrote over 200 books, by himself – he then, in my humble opinion, especially with all the special issues Sci Fi authors face, was a prolific writer.

Georges Simenon wrote 400 books each book took him eleven straight days of writing. I’m sure he took food breaks and a nap break here and there – but that’s profound. Imagine fellow NaNoWriMo authors if you could write a novel in 30 days, why not one in eleven days?
How many words a day would that be? Approximately 4,500 words a day. Hey you could do that couldn’t you? {smile}

So write like the wind, read like a Tsunami and perhaps you will earn a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for your effort. After NaNoWriMo I’m sure many of you are thinking you deserve at least that commendation. I am proud of those of you who tried, even if you didn’t finish. And I am doubly proud of those who did – included in that my own daughter who finished her novel at just under 54,000 words ahead of the deadline. GO BECKIE!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Coming Soon! Inferno From Forbidden Publishing

Forward for Inferno

When an author re-reads something they have written long ago it’s sometimes very disconcerting, at least I thought so. I thought I was the only one who looked at my once written, even once published books and thought, oh my good gracious how could I have let that go as a publishable piece? I don’t feel so bad any more after reading this from Aldous Huxley (Brave New World 1932 among other novels) This was in the revised/republished 1946 edition of Brave New World. “…Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most undesirable sentiment….”

He goes on more eloquently but it boils down to what we both feel after pouring over the short comings of a novel written at a younger more inexperienced time in an attempt to patch a faulty piece into a perfect masterpiece. That particular piece having missed that mark the first time around—should be repaired to a place where growth had taken me. To spend time trying to mend the artistic sins committed by that different person, the person I was then—is surely vain and futile. Its defect may be part of its charm.

I could rewrite the whole book as an older, perhaps wiser, other person. What might happen then though is I probably would get rid not only of some of the faults of the story, but also rid it of some of its merits as it originally possessed them.

So, resisting the temptation to wallow in artistic remorse, I leave well and ill alone and move on to ‘next’ with what I have learned and am able to create in my next novel, with much thanks to Aldous Huxley for making me feel less alone and imperfect.

Cricket Sawyer

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Free Reads and Free Prizes - find out how!

Are you ready to relax with some free reads if it means you could walk away with some awesome prizes and awards?

Don't know what a Street Team is? Go here

Then be sure to send me an email to get your membership information. Then let the fun begin.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do Yourself a Favor -- Hurry!

The One Minute Coach: change your life one minute at a time

By Masha Malka

Foreword (by Cary Johnston)

Part 1: Freedom To Be Who You Are
Whose Life Are You Living?
The “Impossible” Is Often the Untried
If They Can Do It, So Can You!
Are You Starving Your Soul?
What Fulfills You?
The Gift of Personal Freedom
It All Comes Down to Faith

Part 2: The Secrets of People Who Are Successful
What Successful People Know
What Is Success?
One Word to Define Success
What Determines Success?
How to Get What You Want
Can You Really Change Your Life in One Minute?
Do Not Underestimate Your Skills
The Most Important Ingredient for Your Success

Part 3: Why Do We Suffer?
Are You Looking For Problems?
How to Get What You Want
An Opportunity for Guaranteed Enlightenment
Success Is Not Forever, and Failure Is Not Fatal
How Successful People Deal with Failure
Are You Guilty?
Eliminating Worry
Why Do We Argue?
How to Eliminate Self-sabotaging Beliefs
Everything Is Relative

Part 4: The Secret to a Great Life
Who Are You Not to Be?
Life Is About Creating Yourself
What Does It Take to Be Attractive?
How Much Do You Love Yourself?
Have a Great Day!

Part 5: Are You a Natural Leader?
Leadership Begins With You
The Power of a Team and Cooperation
Using Words with Good Purpose
Personal Satisfaction at Work
Helping Is Not Always Good
What Is Your Greatness?
Are You Busy Being Busy?

Part 6: Time Management and Decision Making
Effective Decision Making
How Much Do You Rely on Logic?
Are There Bad Decisions?
The Currency of Today
Creating a Balanced Life
The Value of an Hour
The Slower You Go, the Faster You Will Get There
Are You Living for the Future?

Part 7: The Best Source of Wealth
Produce the Results You Are Looking For
What Did You Miss Out On Today?
The Power of Questions
Ask and You Will Receive
Excellence Is Not an Act, but a Habit
You Have The Power – Mind Power!

Part 8: It Is Never Too Late
You Make a Difference!
Can One Person Change the World?
NOW is the Right Time

The Most Important Job You Do
Thank You!

References and Recommended Reading
About the Author
About the artist

To order the book got to

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Need Some Motivation, Masha Malka will deliver!

Masha Malka is a former Soviet refugee who knows first hand what it is like to be living below poverty level; to have low self-esteem; to start out without the language, money, or contacts and to make a great life for herself!

Masha went from living a life with little clarity and focus to becoming a successful entrepreneur, author, Clarity and Focus guru, international speaker and trainer as well as the mother of 3 children.

Understanding what it takes to successfully balance the demands of a growing career as an author, international speaker and a life coach with 3 children, husband, family, friends, and personal needs - she is passionate to show others how they can do it too!

Masha has delivered workshops, seminars, written articles and books, and provided personal training and coaching in the field of success and the skill of learning since 1998.

She graduated with Highest Honors from Florida Atlantic University majoring in Elementary Education. She then continued her graduate studies at Capella University completing a graduate certificate in Teaching and Training Online as well as Instructional Design for Online Learning. A life-long student, Masha is currently taking courses for an MBA. She is also a certified trainer in Accelerated Learning Techniques as well as Transformational Thinking.

Come back tomorrow for some exciting news about her book and for your chance to pick up a bunch of free stuff. See you Wednesday!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How Safe is Your Chocolate - or Toys?

Barcodes aren't just for books you know.

Something we all need to know - a note in Cynthia Sterling's excellent newsletter today.

The whole world is scared of Chinese made goods. Let me tell you how you can differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China...the first 3 digits of barcode690, 691, and 692 are MADE IN CHINA. - 471 is Made in Taiwan .

This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves.
Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products "made in china", so they don't show in which country it is made.
However, you may now refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits is 690-692 then it is made in China .
00 ~ 09 USA & CANADA
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 - JAPAN
50 - UK

Lavender Lust available at Siren/Bookstrand.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Don't Wait For Your Ship to Come in Swim out to it!

In my morning reading today I came across this quote by Jonathan Winters: "If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to meet it."
There was another a day or too earlier that said something, "Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." Abraham Lincoln.

In other words, the only thing that will create success, or create that book you've been waiting to write, or create some other printed words you dream to have written, is ACTION. There is no way around it if you don't put your butt in a chair and write - you will never publish a word. You need to banish all fear of failing, of making a mistake -- mistakes are the lessons of life.

This Frank and Ernest cartoon strip says it all. Frank is at the counter at an employment office he has a long long sheet of paper he is apparently reading from to the guy who is taking his application. The caption says--"I don't have any formal education so I brought you a list of the mistakes I've learned from."

Feel the fear and do it anyway is almost a buzz word nowadays, but it's absolute truth. Do not be afraid of mistakes, no one is perfect. Perfectionism will stall you in your tracks. Not that you should adopt a careless, reckless, not-give-a-darn attitude. You should do the best that you can do with what you have at this very moment and let the rest happen.

"You can never learn less; you can only learn more. The reason I know so much is because I have made so many mistakes," says Buckminster Fuller (a mathematician and philosopher who never graduated from college but received 46 honorary doctorates.

Write Like The Wind
Lavender Lust
ISBN 1-60601-136-7
Dark Thunder
ISBN 1-59080-597-6

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We Are Way Better Than We Think We Are

Well Okay, perhaps we don't even begin to live up to our potential. I was reading an article by a gal named Melissa Galt today--Her great grandfather was Frank Lloyd Wright famed architect, her god mother Edith Head -- do you know she was a teacher and it was a couple of her students sketches that started her on her career as the designer of Hollywood fame and fortune. Well Ms Galt's mother was Ann about blue blood - okay so maybe she wasn't rich - certainly Mr. Wright wasn't rich when he died -- he said he would rather have the luxuries of life then the necessities {grin} and Ann Baxter wasn't rich by the time she died -- but Ms Galt had a vision, and her mind was rich with possiblities and she followed it.

Some psychologist - James Joyce I think? said that we use less then ten percent of our brain - can you imagine if we engaged that whole mass what wisdom, what creative talent, what potential we would have to be as great as our greatest relative, whoever that might be.

Stretch yourself - stretch your mind - grow into what you might become. I double dog dare you to = )
Oh and you can still enter the Lavender Lust contest see the earlier post September 30. Good Luck

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Its not too late



Lavender Lust

By Cricket Sawyer

Release date: SEPTEMBER 30, 2008

Men from the Recreation League basketball team

Are dying one after the other. Each of them

Murdered. Each corpse has the serial killer’s

signature of a Purple feather. And fledgling

psychic Heather Highmark sees something no

one else can see…

Purple haze floats above each of the victims

A face appears in it—who is it? She needs

To find out, her life, her brother Roy or her

Lover Langdon Cruise could be the next

Victim of the Purple Feather Murderer.

It’s Time for a Party to celebrate!

Come join me at Cricket’s Hearth on Tuesday, September 30

All day – prizes galore, excerpts and more…

Order your copy of Lavender Lust from

Siren/Bookstrand ( )and send me your receipt for a

Chance to win the grand prize of an uncut, lavender/ Amethyst stone

or a join in the festivities to win a Dream catcher key chain— or one of many other

Prizes to be given away. To see more of the prizes visit Cricket’s website


Then join the fun at the Hearth on September 30, 2008

Do the jigsaw puzzle of the cover —the fastest time will win a download copy of The Great White Bull—a paranormal erotic romantic suspense. You’ll find the jigsaw puzzles at

Send me your time for doing the Lavender Lust cover – you have a chance between midnight September 29 to midnight September 30 — I will take the fastest time from all players – if there is a tie I will draw a winner.

You Tube - Lavender Lust

Violet Stones or purple stones stimulate the brow chakra, easing pain agitation and stress. Would someone please tell Lavender Paige this. It seemed every time Elinore Muich stepped into her Lavender world she was bent on murder.
Purple/lavender/violet should also boost concentration and metal awareness.

Amethyst, the name of this stone originates from the Greek word "amethystos," which means "not drunken." Amethyst can be used to treat alcoholism, and it can also help to boost the body's immune system.

Amethyst is a water crystal: The evaporation of the depositing of water is a component int he formation of many crystals, including stalactites and stalagmites. Water also achieves balance by finding its appropriate state as a gas, liquid or sold. Therefore, water crystals help balance your emotions and influence your dreams by shifting ideas between the conscious and unconscious mind.

Amethyst the stone of spiritual growth and protection it is per perhaps the most useful crystal for healing. Amethyst is a perfect stone for practicing your meditation skills and in healing it is of benefit to migraine suffers.

Enjoy a little purple/lavender lust - er - intellectual stimulation.

Amethyst - Lavender Lust

Hi again, Jupiter's stone is Amethyst. Each planet, and its related sign, is associated with a particular type of gemstone. Purple has long been considered a royal color, so it's not surprising that amethyst has been so much in demand throughout history. Amethysts are featured in the English Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Egyptian royalty and Catherine the Great. Leonardo da Vinci wrote that amethyst could dissipate evil thoughts and quicken the intelligence.

Again it didn't seem to work for Elinore Muich when she turned her Lavender Paige attention on those perceived to have wronged her.

It's lonely in here!

Where is everybody - there must be a glitch in the system - I've been here watching it rain on my parade = )
Not to worry there is always a rainbow after a storm. Hey a tidbit about Lavender/Purple -- Shades of purple have been used to help calm people with nervous or mental imbalances. Purple is a color of transformation at the deep level. A very spiritual color, it is traditionally worn by the clergy and denotes spiritual peace and awareness.

To calm you, place a piece of purple velvet across your brow and relax to soft music. What have you got to lose but your anxiety.

Unfortunately, purple had the opposite affects on Lavender Page in Lavender Lust
Stay tuned for an excerpt.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Release Party - September 30, 2008

Hear ye! Hear ye! Cricket Sawyer - Lavender Lust - Bookstrand


LAVENDER LUST ISBN 1-60601-136-7
By Cricket Sawyer

Release date: SEPTEMBER 30, 2008

Men from the Recreation League basketball team Are dying one after the other. Each of them Murdered. Each corpse has the serial killer’s signature of a Purple feather. And fledgling psychic Heather Highmark sees something no one else can see…
Purple haze floats above each of the victims A face appears in it—who is it? She needs To find out, her life, her brother Roy or her Lover Langdon Cruise could be the next Victim of the Purple Feather Murderer.

It’s Time for a Party to celebrate!
Come join me at Cricket’s Hearth on Tuesday, September 30
All day – prizes galore, excerpts and more…

Order your copy of Lavender Lust ISBN 1-60601-136-7 from
Siren/Bookstrand ( )and send me your receipt for a Chance to win the grand prize of an uncut lavender/ Amethyst stone or a join in the festivities to win a Dream catcher key chain— or one of many other Prizes to be given away. To see more of the prizes visit
Cricket’s website at
Then join the fun at the Hearth on September 30, 2008

Do the jigsaw puzzle of the cover —the fastest time will win a download copy of The Great White Bull—a paranormal erotic romantic suspense. You’ll find the jigsaw puzzles at

send me your time for doing the Lavender Lust cover – you have a chance between midnight September 29 to midnight September 30 — I will take the fastest time from all players – if there is a tie I will draw a winner.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Enter to Win - Get your Name in Lights or???

Time Sensitive material:

Of interest to authors who are published electronically. Please distribute to your membership


EPPIE Contest in Full Swing to Highlight Excellence in ePublishing

Worldwide–September 16, 2008—EPIC, the Electronically Published Internet Connection, proudly announces the annual EPPIE contest. This is the premier contest in the book industry that celebrates the outstanding achievements of electronic books by authors and publishers. The EPPIE Awards have been given annually since the first EPIC conference to recognize outstanding achievement in ePublishing. The contest deadline for entries is October 4, 2008 at Midnight CST.

Categories are judged by volunteers, the largest percentage of which are members of EPIC, an organization consisting of electronically published authors and industry professionals. Guest judges, all of whom are either published authors or publishing professionals, are used only as deemed necessary by the EPPIE Chair/Committee.

The First Round Judging delivers our EPPIE Finalists, whose works are forwarded to a second panel of judges before the winners of our thirty categories are selected. Winners from each judged category are announced at the EPIC conference's gala award ceremony, taking place at the annual EPICon Convention, taking place March 5-8, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

EPIC is also the proud sponsor of the QUASAR/ARIANA Awards for excellence in graphic cover art for eBooks.

For contest guidelines, please visit

Electronically Published Internet Connection
Contact: Karen L. Syed, EPIC Publicity Coordinator
9735 Country Meadows Lane 1D, Laurel, MD 20723
410-878-7113 (v) 410-988-2864 (f)

Good Luck

Monday, August 25, 2008

What would you eat to increase your appetite for sex?

I vote for chocolate covered ants with

perhaps oysters on the side? Well of all the things that are supposed to be edible - and good for you - and ahem! 'other' things I think chocolate is my best bet. Now Dark Thunder was released this month and I polled the characters -
Cyan said pepper is hot and it makes her hotter
Derian said anything that doesn't eat him first -- well he hedged on that he said sometimes eating him can be a good thing -- then he said he's game if any woman is.
Then in came Sharee - now there is a woman who prefers ceremony before anything - so even chocolate should be presented with ceremony and flair - .
Dark Thunder - that would be Derian -- you know what they are saying - well here try this on:
This summer has been weather intense. Dark storm clouds on the horizon signify danger, the potential for heavy storms. In a novel these same storm clouds signify danger of another sort. Dark Thunder is a knife-edged tale of desperation, passion and yes even perversion that strikes with lightening-like intensity at the heart of our comfort zone and reverberates across the fiber of our being, thundering through the atmosphere of our status quo, ordered world.
Pick up a copy and see what you would eat to satisfy your needs.

Monday, June 30, 2008

California's Burning, The midwest is in hot. humid flooding conditions

and Forbidden Press has just sent me a contract for Inferno - If that doesn't crank up the heat nothing will. Can you say I'm jumping and doing a snoopy dance. Well if it wasn't so hot I would be {grin} I'm looking forward to getting to work on this one with the editors from Forbidden. I don't have a release date yet, but I'll let you know when I do.

And it won't be long before Lavender Lust hits the stands from Siren/BookStrand - October sounds like forever away - but you know by the time the 4th of July is done -- so is summer just about, or so it seems.

So stay tuned for more news from this author
Cricket Sawyer,
Accidental Sleuths,
Incidental Romance,
Heat Index~~Inferno

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's Here, it's published, it's ready to buy

The Ghost Music of Vaudeville

by Billie A Williams

ISBN 978-1-59705-310-5 (electronic)

978-1-59705-728-8 (print)

April 1, 2008

CONTACT: Billie A Williams

P O Box 134

Amberg, WI 54102

Wings ePress, Inc


Stepping center stage to entertain you ….

None other then –

In this day and age of razing landmarks to make way for High Rise Apartments or concrete parking ramps there is little left of the old world. When it comes to entertainment, the environment changes even faster. The Ghost Music of Vaudeville is about a troupe of actors, actresses and musicians who were part of the vaudeville stage at one time. The theatre sits in disrepair, and a greedy land developer is out for revenge. Part of that revenge is to demolish every Keith Theatre in the United States.

Charlie Wolfe, reporter for the Ironwood Daily Globe, Tommy Forester, teenager and champion for the down trodden, and Piano Man, (aka Rudy Poncigrau) who used to play for the vaudeville acts, the black and white movies, and more all have other ideas.

Will one last performance bring out enough support to stop the bulldozers before Damien Callistrari and his henchmen extract the revenge he seeks? Roberto Callistrari is going against his father’s wishes when he begins to fall for Charlie Wolfe –with his ties to Hollywood and Broadway he entices Bette Midler to bring her creativity and personality to help bring the Keith Theatre back from the edge. Together will they be enough to save this Keith Theatre and those lives so intrinsically entwined with the Ghost Music of Vaudeville that still haunts the walls and stage of this Keith Theatre in Ironwood, Michigan.

Friday, March 28, 2008

IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!! Jordan Dane

We've been enjoying her posts, her visits to our blogs, we've been reading her excerpts and chapters and more - this dynamite tour is about to end but we don't want to stop so we are going to go out with a rip roaring bang with a huge PARTY

Are We Ready to P-A-R-T-Y!?!

The “Show—Not Tell” Virtual Book Tour is almost a wrap and we’ve been gearing up all month for the “Launch P-A-R-T-Y!” for debut author Jordan Dane. Be here Sunday March 30th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern US time. (The virtual bar will be open, but feel free to BYOB.) The place: The Writer’s Chatroom, of course!

Since March 5th, “newcomer” Jordan Dane has been the guest of honor at 7 virtual book tour stops sponsored by The Writer’s Chatroom. She’s been open to all questions and has shared personal and business information with anyone who stopped by. The last stop on the tour is hosted by Glenn Walker, founder of TWC, on March 29th at

There will be prizes galore up for grabs at the P-A-R-T-Y. Every person who interacted with Jordan at the VBT stops, except for the host at each tour stop, is eligible to win one of FIVE gift cards to B&N bookstores. (If the hosts stopped by at other tour stops, they are eligible and entered there.) The more comments left by each person, the more chances to win. So far, Tina M. Russo holds the record for having the most entries. Her prize for that? Just click on her name/hotlink to her website. It’s all about the marketing, folks. (Tina has a very nice website, btw.)

More opportunities to win prizes:

The Browse Inside Link:

Jordan’s contest page:

And … there will be even MORE prizes given away during the P-A-R-T-Y!

Jordan sold SIX books to Avon/HarperCollins before the first one, No One Heard Her Scream, was released on March 25th. She has back-to-back releases in April and May for the next two! And, she’s currently at work on her next series.

Don’t know about you, but I wannabe like Jordan! I want to learn just how she managed to do that, how she markets, how she plans her stories, how she sells them, and how she plans to get to the top of the New York Times Bestseller list! If you’re a Jordan wannabe like me, check out what she had to say at the VBT stops:

Billie Williams at

Linda J. Hutchinson at

Kim Richards at

Lisa Haselton at

Cricket Sawyer at

Diana Castilleja at

Renee’ Barnes at

Glenn Walker at

See you at the “Launch P-A-R-T-Y!” on March 30th at TWC!

Linda J. Hutchinson

TWC team member/moderator

Freelance writer/copywriter

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You Won't Want to Miss This!!


If you’ve been reading these announcements you’re aware that we have been conducting a Virtual Book Tour for debut author Jordan Dane for over a month.

We’re down to the final stretch—and who better to bring it home than The Writer’s Chatroom’s own—Renee’ Barnes and Glenn Walker!

Stop by these last two stops on the tour to find out even more about our featured author—who sold SIX books to Avon HarperCollins before the first one hit print.

Jordan is a dynamo! She not only writes well but understands the publishing industry and knows how to market herself. Learn from her while imagining yourself in her position. She is one to watch, one to learn from, and one to emulate if you want to be a successful novelist. “If you can see it and believe it, you can achieve it!”

Every comment you leave at a tour stop enters you to win one of many fabulous prizes!

March 26 Renee’ Barnes at
March 29 TWC founder Glenn Walker at

More opportunities to win prizes:
The Browse Inside Link:
Jordan’s contest page:

And then GET READY TO P-A-R-T-Y! Sunday, March 30th is the date and you are invited! The party starts at 7:00 p.m. Eastern US time.

If you’ve missed any of the tour stops, please stop in before the P-A-R-T-Y! to read the interviews with Jordan. Be ready to L-A-U-N-C-H your burning questions at her this coming Sunday.

Billie Williams at
Linda J. Hutchinson at
Kim Richards at
Lisa Haselton at
Cricket Sawyer at
Diana Castilleja at

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

She's here -- She's finally here!! Jordan Dane

Jordan I'm so excited that you agreed to come speak with my readers today. Come grab a cuppa what ever is your favorite and sit a spell. Put your feet up, I'm sure you could use a break after your whirlwind virtual tour so far this month.

Thanks so much for spending time with me, Cricket. I really appreciate your support of a new author.
1. What is the toughest part of your job as a writer?
Not having enough hours in the day to do everything I’d love to do—including having a life.  I’m kidding, because I really love writing full time now, but I do need to find a better balance between my writing and my personal life.
2. Cast your book as a miniseries. What channel would it appear on--the “old fogey” channel of CBS, for example, or the “youth catering” Fox or WB, Cinemax? Who would play the leads? Would four hours be enough to tell the story, or would you need six?
I’d be on cable late at night. No kiddies or editing. I already cast my books as I’m writing them and create a power point file on images. So here is my Diego Galvan, as played by Eduardo Verastequi. And my cop heroine would be played by the woman who was the prison doctor on the TV show ‘Prison Break’, Sarah Wayne Callies.
3. The emotions that you have Becca showing are so well done. Do you have a sister? If not, how did you come up with the feelings Becca is experiencing as she tries to keep her mind occupied with her job, in spite of her desire to focus on solving her sister’s kidnapping and possible murder? If you do, did your feelings for your own siblings play apart in your writing this story?
I do have quite a few sibs, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. We are all very close. Author Lee Child said that it’s not about writing what you know, but writing what you fear. I can only guess at what it would feel like to lose a love one to violence, but I had a friend who shared her story. Her sister was murdered and the killer was never found. That incident defined her whole life and I never forgot her telling me about it. I had to tell her story. And the Natalee Holloway story (the girl abducted from a school outing in Aruba and never found) also touched me a great deal and still does.

4. I'm always interested in writers' schedules... Do you manage to adhere to a fixed number of hours of writing per day or week, or do you write just when inspiration strikes?!
I try to write mainly 9am-3pm each day and on weekends when I’m on a project (which I’m always on). But I get up in the middle of the night and write if I have to. I lead a crazy life. My poor husband is very patient.
5. What do you deem to be the most distinctive feature of your novel (characterization, setting, plot...)?
I focus on every detail, but if I were to be pinned down, I’d say I focus mainly on character and creating an atmospheric nature to my stories so a reader is THERE with all their senses. My brand slogan is “Take a Front Row Seat to Suspense” for a reason, I hope. 
6. What would you like to see evolve from this novel?
This is an interesting question, but I’m a really pragmatic person. I don’t speculate on someone making a movie of it or making a wish list for SCREAM. I keep writing. I’m on book #5 and am well down the road to selling another series beyond the six I already have under contract. The business woman in me wants to stay focused on my long term writing career.
7. Your Title “No One Heard Her Scream” sends shivers down my spine, perhaps because I’m a woman – but…How did you come up with your title.
The title came from a dialogue line in the book. When the woman detective realizes something about the skeletal remains buried behind a wall. The young girl had been buried alive. And all my woman detective can do is flash back to the tragic death of her baby sister. In her grief, she says, “No one heard her scream.” And her CSI guy replies, “Until now.”
8. What are the titles of the two others in this serial line? Did you decide on those titles in a similar way?
My other two books had different names, but my publisher wanted the titles to be similar with a “No One” related titles. NO ONE LEFT TO TELL was previously called “Crossing the Line” and my Brazil story NO ONE LIVES FOREVER was entitled “In the Shadow of Redemption” (even standing in its shadow, redemption can seem like a world away). I still like that title. These titles are now reflected in dialogue within each book too. It’s something I like to do.
I jokingly told my family in my crazy Christmas letter in 2007 that there was a 4th book, entitled NO ONE GETS A GIFT. They thought that was funny until they realized I wasn’t kidding.

9. I guess everyone wants to know if you model your characters after anybody you know, or anybody famous you admire? Or do they just sort of evolve from your head as the story unwinds?
I let my characters come to me organically. They usually have to wake me up in the middle of the night. Sometimes they are a composite of many types of people too. I like deep portrayals and complex personalities, even for my beloved antagonists. After all, villains are the heroes in their own stories.
10. What genre does “No One Heard Her Scream,” fit into? Do you write in any other Genres? Are there genres that you would like to try your hand at? What made you decide to write in this genre?
I made a decision to write the type of story I wanted to read—the kind of books on my bookshelves. And since I love mystery/suspense, crime fiction, police procedurals, humor, forensics, thrillers and romance, I thought I would try it all. It’s not such a stretch to create a tapestry of these elements if you love them as much as I do. And I really love a challenge. I’ve been referring to my writing as romantic thrillers, but I’m not sure that says it either.
As for other genres attempted, I have two completed romances under my bed and one partial of a humorous paranormal crime fiction (Harry Potter meets Buffy story meets Cops). My agent really loves these and still wants to sell them. But I’m afraid that by leaping into other genres, if I find success there, I might not have the quality time with any of it. Quality is important to me.

11. Is there anything you would like to tell my readers? And where can they buy your book?
My books are available for presale at Amazon, Borders, BooksAMillion, Barnes & Noble, and your great independent stories near you on Booksense. I have links on my website to these sources. NO ONE HEARD HER SCREAM (March 25th), NO ONE LEFT TO TELL (April 29th) and NO ONE LIVES FOREVER (May 27th). The first book is standalone in plot and the 2nd and 3rd books are connected by characters and story and should probably be read in order.
For you readers, I’d like for them to know I’m busy writing my next series – Sweet Justice. And I am really jazzed about these characters and the pace of the plots. The first of that series is tentatively set for release in Feb 2009 – EVIL WITHOUT A FACE. Here’s a sneak overview of the series:
“An illusive web of imposters on the Internet lures a deluded teen from her Alaskan home and launches a chain reaction collision course with an unlikely tangle of heroes. This is the initial driver to a new 3-book series from suspense author Jordan Dane and Avon HarperCollins. With an international setting, these romantic thrillers will focus on the lives and loves of three women—a bounty hunter operating outside the law, an ambitious vice cop, and a former international operative with a mysterious past.”

Thanks so much for having me as guest blogger, Cricket. You’re awesome! And best of luck to you and your readers in 2008.

Thank you Jordon for your insightful and inspiring answers to my questions. I really truly enjoyed your visit please do stop by again.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Review for No One Heard Her Scream

Title: No One Heard Her Scream

by Jordan Dane

Avon Harper Collins

ISBN: 9780061252785

Dani Montgomery is but one of the missing, and presumed dead, young women from around San Antonio, TX. She is the focus, and the force, of tough homicide detective Rebecca Montgomery. When Becca is told to stay away from the investigation into Dani’s disappearance, her boss puts her on another case—that of a body found behind a brick wall in an old theater that has been torched.

As Becca investigates the crime scene she realizes she’s being watched by more than one stranger, but one is deliciously tall, dark and dangerous. When she visits the former owner of the theater, a notorious mob boss, she is loathe to find her stranger is his enforcer.

Becca trusts her gut to tie it all together, with the help of one watchful stranger and without the help of the other.

Piecing together evidence at the theater gives rise to the title. NO ONE HEARD HER SCREAM by debut author Jordan Dane is a romantic thriller with all the great elements; intrigue, debauchery, retribution and redemption—with libido to match.

Reviewed by: Linda J. Hutchinson

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Excitement is building - be here March 19

We’ve certainly had some great comments during each stop of the Virtual Book Tour
for Jordan Dane.
Why was she chosen to be our first vic … I mean featured author?
Because she has a very professional website.
Because she has a very professional blog.
Because she has a presence on MySpace and other networking sites around the ‘Net.
Because she attends every writer’s conference she can possibly get to
to network with successful writers, editors, agents.
Because she promotes herself as a professional writer.
She isn’t resting on her laurels after having sold SIX books
to Avon HarperCollins before the first one hit print.
If you’re like me and wannabe like Jordan, take a look
at how you’re promoting yourself. Does your website look
like a novice put it together Do you remember to blog
more than once a month Do you network with other writers?
Or do you do like too many very good should-be-published writers
… and hunker down in the corner pretending that you’ve done
everything you can and the publishing world and all
its agents are against you?
Think about that as you visit the next stops on
The Writer’s Chatroom’ “Show—Not Tell” virtual
book tour featuring debut author Jordan Dane.
Jordan and Avon HarperCollins are offering
opportunities to win great prizes all along the tour.
Next up:

March 19 Cricket Sawyer


March 22 Diana Castilleja


Give yourself every advantage to learn from this marketing dynamo—

who just happens to also be a very good writer—

and read the interviews and comments at previous stops:

Billie Williams at

Linda J. Hutchinson at

Kim Richards at

Lisa Haselton at

And don’t forget to come to the “Launch P-A-R-T-Y!” on March 30th! There are prizes galore!

Friday, March 14, 2008

NEWS READ ALL ABOUT IT! Jordan Dane Contest

·        Visit each stop of the Jordan Dane
Virtual Book Tour

and leave a comment (with your name).
Each stop enters you into the drawing
to be held at the live “Launch P-A-R-T-Y!”
on March 30th.
(Up for grabs are FIVE $20 gift
cards to B&N bookstores.)
·         Stop by Jordan’s website:  
Jordan Dane says, “By going to my
website contest page, you get an
exclusive sneak peek inside my
book-up to 20% of it. And to
celebrate my first release, my
publisher is giving you three d
ifferent ways to WIN
or OTHER BOOKS from HarperCollins.
Click on the links below for more details.”
·        The Browse Inside Link:
·        Visit Jordan’s contest page:
·        Show up for the live “Launch P-A-R-T-Y!”
on March 30th!
Who knows what might be up for grabs there!
After all is said and done, this is TWC.
Next up on the tour:

March 19 Cricket Sawyer at

March 22 Diana Castilleja at

March 26 Renee’ Barnes at

March 29 TWC founder Glenn Walker at

Jordan has had plenty to say in our TWC interviews.

If you haven’t already done so, visit these previous

stops for some first-hand info on how to succeed as a novelist:

Billie Williams at

Linda J. Hutchinson at

Kim Richards at

Lisa Haselton at

Thursday, March 6, 2008

No One Heard Her Scream, by Jordan Dane

An author to watch - You'll want to start taking in her tour - she will be here on March 19, you will not want to miss this. She is a powerful writer and a dynamite person who will show you just what it takes to be a Avon Harper Collins star -- her debut book No One Heard Her Scream is receiving rave reviews - here is one from blog tour organizer Linda Hutchinson:

Debut author Jordan Dane was in top form at the first stop of The Writer's Chatroom's "SHOW--NOT TELL" virtual book tour at the blog home of Billie Williams.

Next stop? My own blog: on March 8th.

Please feel free to leave comments. Since Jordan has thrown a contest into the fray, your comments automatically enter you into a drawing for one of FIVE $20 gift cards to—what else?—a great bookstore. Winners will be announced at the live “Launch P-A-R-T-Y!” on March 30th at THE WRITER'S CHATROOM. We'll also be drawing for those valuable first copies of NO ONE HEARD HER SCREAM at the party.

Here's my review:

Title: No One Heard Her Scream

by Jordan Dane

Avon Harper Collins

ISBN: 9780061252785

Dani Montgomery is but one of the missing, and presumed dead, young women from around San Antonio, TX. She is the focus, and the force, of tough homicide detective Rebecca Montgomery. When Becca is told to stay away from the investigation into Dani’s disappearance, her boss puts her on another case—that of a body found behind a brick wall in an old theater that has been torched.

As Becca investigates the crime scene she realizes she’s being watched by more than one stranger, but one is deliciously tall, dark and dangerous. When she visits the former owner of the theater, a notorious mob boss, she is loathe to find her stranger is his enforcer.

Becca trusts her gut to tie it all together, with the help of one watchful stranger and without the help of the other.

Piecing together evidence at the theater gives rise to the title. NO ONE HEARD HER SCREAM by debut author Jordan Dane is a romantic thriller with all the great elements; intrigue, debauchery, retribution and redemption—with libido to match.

Reviewed by: Linda J. Hutchinson