Advice for aspiring writers – Three words: Patience, Perseverance and Politeness.
The one word I would eliminate from the English Language is – ABUSE (in any form)
My family and friends are very supportive of my writing and have read everything I’ve written. They’re eager to offer suggestions and commentary and many times they have been spot on. Outsiders see things writers miss or don’t see in their own work.
19. What was the most usual way you came up with a story idea? What made you think, ‘hey, I could make that into a story?’
When my youngest son was ten, he became fascinated with Native American lore, particularly Cheyenne dog soldiers. We checked out everything from the library pertaining to the subject and I listened for hour upon hour about their customs, their beliefs and . . . their brutality, courage and honor. At some point, I figured, hey, I should put all those hours to good use and write a book about the Dog Soldiers, thus Where The Rain Is Made.
19. If you could spend an hour talking to anyone from any time in history, who
would it be? And Why?
Harper Lee. I’d pick her brain and find out just how in heck she created Jem, Scout and Atticus. What a marvelous writer. The first time I read To Kill A Mockingbird, I could feel my trousers scrape along that barbed fence, smell the hot, southern air and taste the prejudice. I knew then I would be a writer one day.
20. What is your all time favorite book?
Two, and they are entirely different. One I mentioned above and the other good old standby I read over and over is a romance from the 1980’s called Windflower by a husband and wife team called Laura London. So many times I’ve been reading that book in the middle of the night and laughing. Again, their scenes are so descriptive and I feel as though I’m there, digging out the sea water in the small skiff so I don’t drown. Today, their writing would probably not be acceptable – too much purple prose, but what an experience to read the way they write.
21. What advice would you give aspiring writers today?
Be patient, persevere and pay attention to everything in the market. Listen to your gut while you’re writing. Pretend the character is standing over your shoulder. Ask, would he really say that? Would she really do that? You’ll know the answer.
Thank you so much for having me. I really enjoyed it. From now until the end of February, I’m hosting a contest. Go to my web site and e-mail me the name of the heroine from Sojourn With A Stranger (subject of e-mail should say “Contest”). On March 1st, I’ll draw a winner for a free download of your choice.
I hope you enjoy my new releases.
Happy reading!
K. Celeste Bryan
http://katskwipsandrants.blogspot.com/ (Kat’s Kwips and Rants Blog)
It’s been great fun having you here these few short days. I hope you will plan on coming back often. Please be sure to visit as your new books are released. We’ll be waiting.
Thanks for your time and your wonderful answers to some hard questions.
Thank you so much for having me. You're an awesome interiewer and your blog looks wonderful! I didn't expect to get so much exposure, but I'm loving it.
You are too, too kind.
Best, K. Celeste
You are so welcome Celeste - it was a joy having you here.
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