When you live in Northern Wisconsin you expect changes (winter/spring/winter) rain/snow/rain I love it.
When you are a writer you expect changes. Some publishers open doors others close theirs. One of my publishers will be closing their doors at the end of the month. I'm very sad to see Forbidden Publications going by way of the also rans.
Irish Whiskey - that just came out late last month with them and Inferno which was scheduled to release the 5th will not be released. Two others which were contracted by them will also be looking for a new home.
It's never ending this submission/rejection/acceptance route in this business. As an author one must have a calloused and turtle shell psyche, other wise I'm afraid we would all just give up.
But, you know what they say, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Time to pull up the bootstraps and dig in for yet another round.
Meantime you can still find Cricket releases on Erotique or Red Rose or Siren/Bookstrand--so come on up and see me some time! (Special Thanks to Mae West - "She Always Knew How" a bibliography by Charlotte Chandler (and Mae's verve.)